
app_forgot_password_request Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /recuperar
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 blog_index /blog/ Path does not match
16 blog_show /blog/leer/{entry} Path does not match
17 blog_search /blog/buscar Path does not match
18 blog_entry_list /blog/articulos/lista Path does not match
19 blog_entry_new /blog/articulos/nuevo Path does not match
20 blog_entry_edit /blog/articulos/{entry} Path does not match
21 blog_entry_delete /blog/articulos/borrar/{entry} Path does not match
22 blog_entry_file_add /blog/articulos/subir-archivo Path does not match
23 blog_entry_file_remove /blog/articulos/remover-archivo Path does not match
24 blog_category_list /blog/secciones/lista Path does not match
25 blog_category_new /blog/secciones/nueva Path does not match
26 blog_category_edit /blog/secciones/modificar/{category} Path does not match
27 blog_category_delete /blog/secciones/borrar/{category} Path does not match
28 card_conecta_save /tarjetas/conecta/guardar Path does not match
29 card_conecta_validate /tarjetas/conecta/{id}/verificar Path does not match
30 card_conecta_disable /tarjetas/conecta/{id}/desactivar Path does not match
31 card_conecta_index /tarjetas/conecta/{platform} Path does not match
32 card_conecta_loan /tarjetas/conecta/prestamo/{id} Path does not match
33 card_openpay_save /tarjetas/openpay/guardar Path does not match
34 card_openpay_validate /tarjetas/openpay/{id}/verificar Path does not match
35 card_openpay_disable /tarjetas/openpay/{id}/desactivar Path does not match
36 card_openpay_token /tarjetas/openpay/{id}/token Path does not match
37 card_openpay_index /tarjetas/openpay/{platform} Path does not match
38 card_openpay_loan /tarjetas/openpay/prestamo/{id} Path does not match
39 card_stripe_save /tarjetas/stripe/guardar Path does not match
40 card_stripe_disable /tarjetas/stripe/{id}/desactivar Path does not match
41 card_stripe_index /tarjetas/stripe/{platform} Path does not match
42 card_stripe_loan /tarjetas/stripe/prestamo/{id} Path does not match
43 card_unlimit_save /tarjetas/unlimit/guardar Path does not match
44 card_unlimit_disable /tarjetas/unlimit/{id}/desactivar Path does not match
45 card_unlimit_index /tarjetas/unlimit/{platform} Path does not match
46 card_unlimit_loan /tarjetas/unlimit/prestamo/{id} Path does not match
47 card_index /tarjetas/{platform} Path does not match
48 card_loan /tarjetas/prestamo/{id} Path does not match
49 crud_empresa_bank_index /empresas/bancos Path does not match
50 crud_empresa_bank_new /empresas/banco/nuevo Path does not match
51 crud_empresa_bank_edit /empresas/banco/{bank}/modificar Path does not match
52 crud_empresa_bank_delete /empresas/banco/{bank}/borrar Path does not match
53 crud_empresa_bank_card_register /empresas/banco/{id}/registroTarjeta Path does not match
54 crud_empresa_company_index /empresas/afiliadas Path does not match
55 crud_empresa_company_new /empresas/afiliadas/nueva Path does not match
56 crud_empresa_company_edit /empresas/afiliadas/{company}/modificar Path does not match
57 crud_empresa_company_show_landing /empresas/afiliadas/{id}/mostrarLanding Path does not match
58 crud_geografico_index /geograficos/ Path does not match
59 crud_geografico_city_new /geograficos/ciudad/nueva Path does not match
60 crud_geografico_state_new /geograficos/estado/nuevo Path does not match
61 crud_geografico_city_edit /geograficos/ciudad/{city}/modificar Path does not match
62 crud_geografico_state_edit /geograficos/estado/{state}/modificar Path does not match
63 crud_geografico_city_enabler /geograficos/ciudad/{city}/enabler Path does not match
64 crud_geografico_state_enabler /geograficos/estado/{state}/enabler Path does not match
65 crud_producto_index /producto/ Path does not match
66 crud_producto_new /producto/nuevo Path does not match
67 crud_producto_edit /producto/{id}/modificar Path does not match
68 crud_producto_enabler /producto/{id}/enabler Path does not match
69 crud_producto_categoria_new /producto/categoria/nueva Path does not match
70 crud_producto_categoria_edit /producto/categoria/{category}/modificar Path does not match
71 crud_requisito_index /documentos/ Path does not match
72 crud_requisito_new /documentos/nuevo Path does not match
73 crud_requisito_edit /documentos/{doc}/modificar Path does not match
74 crud_requisito_set_archive /documentos/{doc}/archivo Path does not match
75 crud_usuario_index /usuarios/{type} Path does not match
76 crud_usuario_edit /usuarios/modificar/{user} Path does not match
77 crud_usuario_new /usuarios/{type}/nuevo Path does not match
78 app_index / Path does not match
79 app_contract /contrato-grupo-innovafint Path does not match
80 app_terms_conditions /terminos-y-condiciones Path does not match
81 app_notice_privacy /aviso-de-privacidad Path does not match
82 app_offline /offline Path does not match
83 app_dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
84 app_dashboard_loan_data /dashboard/loan/data Path does not match
85 app_dashboard_payment_data /dashboard/payment/data/{platform}/{group} Path does not match
86 app_client /cliente Path does not match
87 app_resume /resumen Path does not match
88 app_dark_mode /modo-oscuro Path does not match
89 deposit_show /depositos/{id} Path does not match
90 deposit_transfer /depositos/transferir/{deposit} Path does not match
91 deposit_transaction /depositos/transaccion/{loan} Path does not match
92 webhooks_stp /webhooks/stp Path does not match
93 form_seccion_add /formularios/{producto}/secciones/agregar Path does not match
94 form_seccion_remove /formularios/{producto}/secciones/{seccion}/remover Path does not match
95 form_seccion_order /formularios/secciones/orden Path does not match
96 form_campo_add /formularios/{producto}/campos/agregar Path does not match
97 form_campo_remove /formularios/{producto}/campos/{campo}/remover Path does not match
98 form_campo_order /formularios/campos/orden Path does not match
99 form_doc_add /formularios/doc/{doc}/agregar Path does not match
100 form_doc_remove /formularios/doc/{doc}/remover Path does not match
101 form_loan_edit /formularios/prestamo/{id} Path does not match
102 loan_index /prestamos Path does not match
103 loan_show /prestamos/{id} Path does not match
104 loan_history /prestamos/historico Path does not match
105 loan_new /prestamos/solicitud/nueva Path does not match
106 loan_contract /prestamos/{id}/contrato Path does not match
107 loan_register /prestamos/solicitud/registrar/{product} Path does not match
108 loan_edit_calendar /prestamos/{loan}/calendario Path does not match
109 loan_edit_mount /prestamos/{loan}/datos-financieros Path does not match
110 loan_approve /prestamos/{loan}/aprobar Path does not match
111 loan_reject /prestamos/{loan}/rechazar Path does not match
112 loan_cancel /prestamos/{loan}/cancelar Path does not match
113 loan_export /prestamos/{id}/exportar Path does not match
114 loan_bureau /prestamos/{id}/buroCredito Path does not match
115 loan_add_comment /prestamos/{id}/agregarComentario Path does not match
116 payment_show /cobros/{id} Path does not match
117 payment_new /cobros/nuevo Path does not match
118 payment_reject /cobros/{id}/rechazar Path does not match
119 payment_approve /cobros/{id}/aprobar Path does not match
120 payment_return /cobros/{id}/devolver Path does not match
121 payment_reprogram /cobros/{id}/reprogramar Path does not match
122 payment_delete /cobros/{id}/borrar Path does not match
123 payment_transaction /cobros/transaccion/{loan} Path does not match
124 payment_massive /cobros/masivo/{platform} Path does not match
125 payment_direct /cobros/masivo/directo/{platform} Path does not match
126 payment_program_massive /cobros/masivo/programar/{platform} Path does not match
127 payment_demon /cobros/masivo/demonio/{secret} Path does not match
128 app_register /registro Path does not match
129 report_index /reportes Path does not match
130 report_loan_list /reportes/prestamos/listado Path does not match
131 report_payment_admin /reportes/cobros/administrativos Path does not match
132 report_deposit_transactions /reportes/depositos/administrativos Path does not match
133 report_loan_bureau /reportes/prestamos/buro Path does not match
134 report_user_list /reportes/usuarios/listado Path does not match
135 report_user_debts /reportes/usuarios/{user}/adeudos Path does not match
136 report_payment_transactions /reportes/cobros/transacciones/{platform} Path does not match
137 app_forgot_password_request /recuperar Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.